WTF is... a lash lift, anyway?
Is it safe and can you save cash and just DIY at home?
So… WTF is it?
It used to be called an eyelash perm and is a beauty treatment that chemically induces a curl in your eyelashes.
What’s the point of it? I mean, what does it actually do?
Curled eyelashes typically ‘open’ the eyes up, making the eyes seem larger. A lash lift creates a curl that lasts until the eyelash falls out, rather than having to use eyelash curlers to achieve.
How does it work?
Unusually, I’m going to link to someone else here, as this blog does an absolutely stellar job of breaking this down at both a high and detailed level.
Scroll down to “Chemistry of Lash/Brow Lift Products”.
And why would someone want it?
Just like Latisse: it works, it’s lower maintenance than eyelash extensions and less appalling than eyelash implants.
How much is it?
In the US and UK, anywhere between £$25-70, more if you get a tint (where the lashes are dyed a darker colour) at the same time.
I’ve always had the best value-for-money results at South-East Asian-owned threading salons.
Does it hurt?
Depending on the strength of the products used, it may sting and you may tear up. I’ve always had greater sensitivity to the tinting dye than the lifting solutions, but your experience may differ.
It definitely shouldn’t burn or cause excessive eye-watering.
Have I had it?
Yes, both in-salon and DIY (the latter during lockdown where I essentially set up a beauty salon in my flat 😂).
Would I have it?
I’m getting lash lifts at the moment as I haven’t found anywhere in Rio that I’d trust to give me lash extensions. I think they’re useful in the absence of other treatments, but (like extensions) prolonged use damages the lashes and stunts their growth, so I’d be unlikely have more than 4 lifts a year.
I get them done at a salon. I would be unlikely to do DIY again. The first time went almost unnervingly well, then I over-lifted the second time (although I used the same method both times) and waiting for it to grow out was a giant pain in the arse.
Should you have it?
On an occasional basis and with a reputable technician, I think these can be really handy, especially if eyelash curlers are too much of a faff or you’re in tropical climes.
Anything else I think you should know?
If you *do* decide to go down the DIY route, make sure you only buy a kit from a reputable store (e.g. Boots/Superdrug in the UK, Target/CVS/Walgreens in the US).
If you buy from Amazon, only buy directly from Amazon as the seller, not Marketplace or ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’.
These are harsh chemicals, don’t run the risk of someone selling you expired/counterfeit products
Reminder that any cosmetic work undertaken should be in accordance with The 6 rules of cosmetic work. Here they are, in case you missed them the first time…